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  • Licensed and Certified Inspectors
  • Insured                   
  • We can perform a sewer scope at time of inspection.                  
  • We accept Visa, Master Card, and Discover card
Project Feasibility

Would you like to discuss the feasibility of a home improvement project with someone who has remodeled hundreds of homes? Would you like help in determining the general costs associated with a project? Whether you are considering purchasing a home needing repairs or improvements - or you are a home owner who would like advice about project plans - we can help.

We can give you information about general labor and material costs based on local and customary prices. And, we can give you ideas that may save you money and time.

This service area includes project consultations and estimates. Project consultations and fees for estimates are determined on an hourly basis.


Hartman Home Inspections
3925 41st Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98116
Phone: 206.937.6359

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